The terms agreed upon at contract time:
Park District shall provide and pay for the following at their sole cost and expense:
- Dale’s F.A.C.T.S show does not require a stage but does need a ceiling height of 8 feet or more to have a great show.
- The show requires a 10 X 12 performance area. Kids may sit on the ground near the stage but require a marked-off area preventing crowds from entering the performance area.
- A clean, level, and stable performance space free from band equipment or other act equipment
- If performing in a gym, the gym is empty during setup, so please do not let campers have playtime for the safety of the performer, camper, and equipment.
- 1-hour set up/soundcheck in a staging area, best without an audience, if possible, on the day of the event.
- A working electrical outlet (AC power) less than 20 feet from the back of the stage area.
- 1 NEW Duracell® Coppertop AA Alkaline Batteries, four batteries
- A dressing/changing area is required.
- A cold bottle of water or Mt. Dew.
If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Dale (708) 744-0234 via voice, email, or text.
If parking is foreseen to be a problem, please provide a parking space for loading/unloading close to the staging area.
Dale’s shows include a sound system. Excellent acoustics and lighting are essential to the show’s overall quality; please have maintenance check the stage area for any lights that may be faulty or not working correctly.